Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sometimes you Need a Timeout and a Good Cry

I'm sure I'm not the only mom who needs to put herself in timeout and just have a good least I hope I'm not.  But that's what happened last week, possibly on a couple of occasions.  It's the same old story.  We as moms, and women in general, take on a large amount of responsibility.  Even though we are juggling the kids, the household, and (for some of you) work, we find it necessary to add more to the laundry list of responsibilities...pun intended.  Take last week for example.  I decided to have a garage sale to get rid of some junk and hopefully make some shopping...uh, pocket change. I was reluctant to have one, and now I know why.  Talk about a lot of work!!  It turned out ok, but I think I may have had my share of sales for the next few years. 

Anyway, the garage sale left us all exhausted and the house a complete and total mess.   Which is never a good combination.  I felt as if I was taking one step forward and three steps back in an attempt to catch up.  Suddenly the every day occurrences seem so much worse.  Like, the full load of laundry that was folded and ready to be put away that was instead dumped over and cascading down the stairs.  Or the report you are in the middle of working on for the upcoming board meeting disappears from the computer and you look up to see your kid holding the plug with a sinister grin.  Or...ok, you get the idea, and hopefully why I felt the need to get it all out.  I literally locked myself in the bathroom and let the tears flow.  I also asked for help and prayed for strength and patience...which I don't do nearly enough.  Then comes the guilt.  I felt guilty for leaving my kids knocking outside the door even if it was only a few minutes, for not being able to remember how incredibly blessed I am rather than feeling sorry for myself, and for possibly losing my temper one too many times.  I can't say I have it all together, but at least I can say these days are few and far between.  And knowing I'm not the only one who feels this way makes it feel makes me feel like I suck a little less.  :)  Let's face it, no mom truly has it all together.  But does anyone??  We all could use a good cry once in a while so go ahead and put yourself in timeout.  And if Daddy's home, add a bubble bath and a glass of wine for good measure.  You will thank yourself.  But also make sure you know that God has it under control... even if you don't!!

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